Search Engine Optimization SEO

Search Engine Optimization SEO

On Page SEO – Adding Content to a Web Page

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. Popular search engines include Google, Youtube and Bing.
SEO targets unpaid traffic, or from organic Google search results rather than direct traffic or paid traffic.
When searching in a search engine, like, we enter our keyword search term(s), or long tail keywords, and the result brings up Images News Videos Maps etc.
This type of traffic is free unpaid traffic.
Paid traffic is done in Google Ads, such as text ads, and Youtube ads, and there are many different kinds of advertising we can do on the internet!
On page SEO refers to the text placed on web pages or web blog posts.
We include text, images, video, internal links, links to external sites and several Google ranking factors, for example Google maps, header tags and meta data, etc.
Off Page SEO refers to backlinks from external sites to our website!

WordPress Website Setup Step By Step!


Youtube Marketing Masterclass with Tutorman

When you SEO optimize your Youtube video, you will need to be very detailed and take into account many factors with your on-page search engine optimization.

In this video I will show you how to add:

1. A Title that has a keyword at the beginning of the title,

2. A Description rich with content and relevant keywords,

3. Playlists (create playlists for popular search terms about your subject)

4. An Audience

5. #Tags

6. Language (English)

7. Recording Date

8. Video Location

9. Category

10. Add a Clickbait Thumbnail to the Video,

*Make it Public and Publish it.

OK, let’s get started…

In this uncut video, I go through the process to SEO my video on Youtube step by step, so that you can do it just like I do, step by step!.

SEO and Youtube SEO Specialist

If you are looking for an SEO specialist ,

Give me a call!



Tips for Success in Youtube Marketing

A. Find an authority channel about your subject and place that authority channel link into your tags section

and into the video description.

B. Find a high view count video about your subject and place that video link into to your tags and description!

(This is important to capture some of the traffic from the bigger Youtube Marketers)

How to Send Viral Traffic to Your Primary Business Step By Step with Tutorman

Business Opportunity Entrepreneur, here’s a marketing secret you can use to get more leads, and sales on autopilot!

Leo Here 🙂,

Business coach, investor, fundraiser, legacy builder and also known as Tutorman.

I’m here to serve you, give massive value in my capacity as a business coach and 7 figure digital marketer, and to complete a legacy!

Stay until the end of this video and receive a wonderful digital gift from me that is priceless!

Now, what I am about to show you, allowed me to go from welfare to semi-retired, working just 1 hour a day on my biz opp from anywhere!

And that’s without having to buy any more expensive digital products or “shiny flashy objects”;

And without having to manually spam people like crazy on social media all day long until getting banned;

And without having to ever deal with THAT scamming guru marketer ever, ever, again…


I was able to take my new business from zero to $10,000 a month, working just an hour a day, using this marketing secret?

So what is the marketing secret?

‘Nothing works better than showing people how you get results step by step’,

Instead of telling people about yourself and how good you are, Instead, just show them what you can do!

For Example:
I will show YOU how to increase YOUR website traffic and get leads and sales on autopilot!

Good or Good? It’s absolutely awesome!

This is exactly what allows me to take any new online business or opportunity from zero to $10,000 a month working just 1 hour every day!

I generated revenue of more than $6 million dollars within 12 months working just an hour a day on my business…

How would you like to see how I made this happen?

So let’s hop on over to my laptop and I’m going to show you the step by step method, so that you can do it yourself!


Step 1 – Sign Up to Viral Traffic Co-op
Viral Traffic Coop

Step 2 – Sign Up to hitsConnect and Create a Tracking Link

Step 3 – Create a Campaign in hitsConnect

Step 4 – Go to your Primary Business and copy your Affiliate Link.
Prosperity Marketing System

Step 5 – Paste your Affiliate link into your hitsConnect Campain URL to Track

Step 6 – Save the Campaign and Click ‘Confirm My Site’ Button.

Step 7 – Test Your Tracking Link goes to Your ‘Downline Builder’

Step 8 – Buy a $25 Viral Traffic Co-Op Package.

Step 9 – Create a New Campaign in Viral Traffic CoOp and Paste the Tracking Link into the Website URL Box.

Step 10 – Change Status of Campaign to Active and Save!

When your campaign runs you will receive ~3-4000 impressions and get leads and sales on autopilot! Scroll down to the description and there will be link… or click the image below to get instant access!

1. Click Viral Traffic Coop Link to Sign Up!

Viral Traffic Coop

2. Prosperity Marketing System

Prosperity Marketing System


3. Collect Your Free Bonuses at

Tutorman’s Bonuses

Bonus: 1. A Business Coach (Tutorman)

Bonus: 2. Tutorman Blueprint that is step by step;

Bonus: 3. Focus and your coach will help you to over come any technical or online challenge in real-time quickly and easily!

Cool or cool? It’s absolutely awesome!

Click the link below and enter your details into the form to get started…

Follow the step by step videos inside the training area and I look forward to coaching you to start and grow the business of your dreams!!!

I’m Leo Hokkanen also known as Tutorman

Helping people to help themselves and freeing the world!

<=Subscribe to My Youtube Channel =>

Friend Me on Facebook, and say ‘Hi’

Join My Private Facebook Group:


What is Website Traffic and Traffic Generation?

Web traffic is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a website.

Traffic generation is the use of digital marketing methods to bring visitors to a web page or website.

Popular methods of traffic generation include SEO (Search Engine Optimization); Social Media Marketing and Media Advertising, like Facebook, Google Ads and Youtube Ads.

We can generate website traffic with WordPress websites and blogs (just like this one), and make Google happy. requires 3 main things, to make the Google algorithm happy!
These include many Google ranking factors on page and off page; On page SEO, and backlinks. (Links back to your web pages and websites)

The methods of web traffic generation I used in the development of this page includes SEO; On page and Off page SEO, Youtube SEO, and Backlinks to my web page from and!

My favorite method of traffic generation is Video Marketing and Youtube Marketing. I love uploading videos to my Youtube channel; I optimize them using on page SEO and tricks to maximize clicks to my ‘money site’.

I then add these video to my website and then share the website links on social media to give value to people who are interested in using digital marketing to start and grow the business of their dreams!

Increase Web Traffic with Paid Advertising

Increase Web Traffic with Paid Advertising

Increase Web Traffic with Paid Advertising

Buy Website Traffic

When buying website traffic it’s essential to get top quality traffic!

Viral Traffic co-op is the best traffic in my opinion because it’s bought from traffic brokers and exchanges at low cost and sold on to us at very cheap prices! This is possible because it’s bought in bulk, and the buyer has been in the industry for more than 10 years and has great relationships with his traffic broker friends!

Here are some of the type of things that WILL do very well with our Viral Traffic Co-Op website traffic generation:

– Business Opportunities

– Internet Marketing / Affiliate Marketing / Network Marketing (MLM) / Sales & Marketing / Traffic Generation Informational Products or Resources

– Basically, anything “make money”, anything “Traffic Generation”, “list building”, or online business building related will work great!

Feel free to buy website traffic from us!

Viral Traffic Coop

Click here to visit us now and register for free

Search Engine Marketing Training

Search Engine Optimization Step By Step with Tutorman

Got Any Questions?

If you have any questions about my primary business Prosperity Marketing System,
Give me a call, or text me!

Thanks Leo.
